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The 3D City Database (3DCityDB) is hosted on GitHub, where we regularly publish new releases, including new features and bug fixes, for the 3DCityDB and its tools. Development takes place in separate repositories on GitHub, with software release packages available for download in the "Releases" section of each repository. All notable changes in new releases are documented in changelogs, which are maintained in the repositories and referenced in the release notes.

If you prefer Docker images over manually installing and setting up software packages, be sure to check out our Docker support for the 3DCityDB.


It is recommended to download and use stable release packages. However, if you wish to access the latest developments or bug fixes that have not yet been published, you can clone the source code from GitHub and build the software package yourself. Each GitHub repository includes the necessary build instructions, including Dockerfiles for creating your own Docker images, where applicable.

3DCityDB database scripts

The 3DCityDB software package includes all the database scripts for setting up and running a 3DCityDB v5 instance on PostgreSQL/PostGIS.

A step-by-step guide on setting up a 3DCityDB using the database scripts is available here. For complete documentation of the 3DCityDB and its relational schema, refer to the 3D City Database section.

citydb-tool database client

citydb-tool is the default command-line client for the 3DCityDB, used to import and export city model data as well as perform data and database operations. Java is required to be installed on your system in order to run citydb-tool.

Check out the first steps and the complete documentation to learn more about using citydb-tool.


citydb-tool requires a matching version of the 3DCityDB v5. To ensure compatibility, the latest stable release of 3DCityDB at the time of a citydb-tool release is always included in the citydb-tool package. This means you can use the 3DCityDB scripts bundled with citydb-tool instead of downloading them separately, ensuring you have the correct version of 3DCityDB.


The 3DCityDB-Web-Map-Client is a web-based viewer designed for high-performance 3D visualization and interactive exploration of geospatial data, including 3D city models exported from the 3DCityDB. It is built on top of the Cesium Virtual Globe platform.

The complete documentation of the 3DCityDB-Web-Map-Client is available here. We are in the process of including it in this documentation.


Currently, we do not offer a tool to export city model data from the 3DCityDB v5 in KML, COLLADA, or 3D Tiles format, which is required for visualization in the 3DCityDB-Web-Map-Client. This feature is a work in progress, so stay tuned for future updates!
