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Database connection

Connecting to a PostgreSQL database

The citydb-tool requires a connection to a PostgreSQL database hosting the 3DCityDB schema. You can specify the database connection details using the database options (refer to the Export or Import sections for more details) section or store them in an external options file for reuse. It is also possible to use a config file in JSON format to specify the database connection options. Alternatively, you can use environment variables for dynamic configuration.

Specifying database options in the command

You can provide the database connection options directly in the command:

Option Description Default Value
-H, --db-host=<host> Hostname of the 3DCityDB server.
-P, --db-port=<port> Port of the 3DCityDB server (default: 5432). 5432
-d, --db-name=<database> Name of the 3DCityDB database to connect to.
-S, --db-schema=<schema> Database schema to use citydb
-u, --db-username=<user> Username for the database connection.
-p, --db-password[=<password>] Password for the database connection. Leave empty to be prompted.


citydb export citygml \
  -H localhost -P 5432 -d 3dcitydb -S citydb -u admin -p password -o output.gml

Specifying database options in an options file

You can store the database connection options in a file and reference it in the command using the @ symbol. The file should contain the options in the format --option=value (one per line).


citydb export citygml @args.txt

Example of a Database Connection File:


Specifying database options in a config file

You can store the database connection options in a JSON file and reference it in the command using --config-file=file.json.


  "databaseOptions": {
    "connections": {
      "defaultConnectionId": {
        "description": "Default database connection",
        "user": "user",
        "password": "password",
        "host": "localhost",
        "port": 5432,
        "database": "citydb",
        "srid": 4326

Using environment variables for database connection

You can use environment variables to define database connection parameters dynamically. This approach is useful for automated scripts, CI/CD pipelines, or when credentials should not be hard-coded.

Environment Variable Description
CITYDB_HOST Hostname of the 3DCityDB server.
CITYDB_PORT Port of the 3DCityDB server.
CITYDB_NAME Name of the 3DCityDB database.
CITYDB_SCHEMA Database schema to use.
CITYDB_USER Username for the database connection.
CITYDB_PASSWORD Password for the database connection.


export CITYDB_HOST=localhost
export CITYDB_PORT=5432
export CITYDB_NAME=3dcitydb
export CITYDB_SCHEMA=citydb
export CITYDB_USER=admin
export CITYDB_PASSWORD=password

citydb export citygml -o output.gml