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Appearance module

The Appearance module enables the storage and assignment of textures and colors to surface geometries in the 3DCityDB v5. It implements the CityGML appearance concept, where appearances act as containers for surface data, which is mapped to the surface geometries of city objects to define their visual and observable properties.

appearance module

Figure 1. Appearance module of the 3DCityDB v5 relational schema.


The APPEARANCE table is the central component of the appearance module. Each record in the table represents a distinct appearance. Although Appearance is a feature type in CityGML, appearances are not stored in the FEATURE table. This is because appearances define visual and observable properties of surfaces, which are conceptually separate from the spatial features stored in the FEATURE table.

The columns objectid, identifier, and identifier_codespace in the APPEARANCE table are used to store unique identifiers for an appearance object, serving the same purpose as in the FEATURE table. The objectid is a string identifier used to uniquely reference a feature within the database and datasets. It is recommended to use a globally unique value for objectid and ensure this column is always populated. The identifier column provides an optional identifier to uniquely distinguish the appearance across different systems and potentially multiple versions of the same real-world object. It must be accompanied by a code space, stored in the identifier_codespace column, which indicates the authority responsible for maintaining the identifier.

Each appearance is associated with a specific theme for its surface data, stored as a string identifier in the theme column. A surface geometry can receive surface data from multiple themes. A NULL value for theme is explicitly allowed.

Appearances are assigned to either features or implicit geometries in one of the following ways:

  1. Local (feature-specific) appearances: Appearances can be stored as a property of the feature whose geometries are assigned textures or colors. The link between the feature stored in the FEATURE table and an appearance is stored as an appearance property in the PROPERTY table. The APPEARANCE table includes a feature_id foreign key, providing a back-link to the feature. This setup enables bidirectional queries between features and their appearances.

  2. Implicit geometries: Appearances can be linked to an implicit geometry, which acts as a template geometry for multiple features (e.g., a 3D tree model shared by multiple tree features). In this case, the appearance references the template in the IMPLICIT_GEOMETRY table via the implicit_geometry_id foreign key.

  3. Global appearances: Appearances can be shared across multiple surface geometries of different features, referred to as global appearances in CityGML. To designate an appearance as global, the is_global property should be set to 1 (true), and both feature_id and implicit_geometry_id should be set to NULL. Additionally, a global appearance shall not be referenced from individual features using an appearance property.


Storing global appearances in the database should be avoided, as it increases data management overhead and reduces export efficiency. The citydb-tool that comes with 3DCityDB automatically converts global appearances to local ones during data imports to prevent them from being stored in the database.


The SURFACE_DATA table stores surface data such as textures and colors. These surface data elements are linked to an appearance through the APPEAR_TO_SURFACE_DATA table, which establishes a many-to-many (n:m) relationship.

The following surface data types are supported:

  • X3DMaterial: Represents a surface material, typically used for defining color or basic material properties.
  • ParameterizedTexture: A texture that uses texture coordinates or a linear transformation to define how the texture is applied to the target surface.
  • GeoreferencedTexture: A texture that uses a planimetric projection to map the texture onto the target surface with real-world spatial reference.

The objectclass_id column enforces the type of surface data, acting as a foreign key to the OBJECTCLASS metadata table.

All surface data types share the objectid, identifier, and identifier_codespace columns, which are used in the same manner as in the APPEARANCE table, as described earlier. Additionally, the is_front column indicates whether the surface data should be applied to the front (is_front = 1) or back face (is_front = 0) of the target surface geometry.

The remaining columns of the SURFACE_DATA table are populated based on the specific surface data type.

Storing material properties

The x3d_* columns define surface material properties according to the X3DMaterial type.

Column Description
x3d_shininess Specifies the sharpness of the specular highlight (0..1).
x3d_transparency Defines the transparency level of the material (0.0 = opaque, 1.0 = fully transparent).
x3d_ambient_intensity Specifies the minimum percentage of diffuse color that is visible regardless of light sources (0..1).
x3d_specular_color Sets the color of the specular reflection of the material in Hex format (#RRGGBB).
x3d_diffuse_color Defines the color of the material's diffuse reflection in Hex format (#RRGGBB).
x3d_emissive_color Specifies the color of the material's emission (self-illumination) in Hex format (#RRGGBB).
x3d_is_smooth Indicates whether the material is smooth (1) or faceted (0).

Storing texture properties

Texture properties shared by both ParameterizedTexture and GeoreferencedTexture are represented in the tex_* columns. The corresponding texture image is stored in the TEX_IMAGE table and linked through the tex_image_id foreign key, enabling multiple surface data to use the same texture image.

Column Description
tex_texture_type Defines the type of texture (specific, typical, unknown).
tex_wrap_mode Specifies how textures are wrapped (none, wrap, mirror, clamp, border).
tex_border_color Defines the border color for the texture in Hex format (#RRGGBBAA).

Storing geo-referenced texture properties

The orientation and spatial reference specific to a GeoreferencedTexture are stored in the gt_* columns.

Column Description
gt_orientation Specifies the rotation and scaling of a georeferenced texture image as a 2x2 matrix, stored as JSON array in row-major order.
gt_reference_point Defines the 2D point representing the center of the upper left image pixel in real-world space.


The SURFACE_DATA_MAPPING table assigns surface data to surface geometries by linking an entry from the SURFACE_DATA table to the target geometry in the GEOMETRY_DATA table using the foreign keys surface_data_id and geometry_data_id.

Surface data is typically assigned to individual polygons. However, geometries in the GEOMETRY_DATA table can represent more complex structures, such as multi-polygons or solids. These are stored using spatial data types of the database that do not support direct referencing of individual components. To assign surface data to specific polygons within the linked geometries, the JSON-based metadata stored alongside the geometry in GEOMETRY_DATA is used. This metadata lists the individual components of the geometry and assigns each a unique "objectId" identifier, allowing individual polygons within the geometry to be uniquely referenced.


Learn more about the JSON-based metadata for geometries in GEOMETRY_DATA here.

Depending on the type of surface data, a specific mapping is used to assign it to the geometry. These mappings are defined as JSON objects and stored in the appropriate columns of the SURFACE_DATA_MAPPING table. The following examples show the different types of mappings and how they are stored.

Assigning materials

To assign an X3DMaterial, the JSON mapping lists the "objectId" identifiers of the target surfaces as properties. A value of true indicates that the X3DMaterial should be applied to the corresponding surface. Surfaces that should not receive the material can either be omitted or assigned a value of false. The material mappings are stored in the material_mapping column.

The example mapping shown below assigns an X3DMaterial to surface_A and surface_D of the target geometry.

  "surface_A": true,
  "surface_D": true

Assigning textures through texture coordinates

A ParameterizedTexture is commonly mapped by assigning texture coordinates to all coordinates of the target surface. Each texture coordinate (s, t) is a 2D position in texture space, which always spans a unit square from (0,0) to (1,1), regardless of the texture image's actual size or aspect ratio. The lower-left corner of the texture image corresponds to (0,0).

In the JSON mapping, each texture coordinate is stored as a double array [s,t]. The texture coordinates for the exterior ring of the target surface are grouped into an array. If the surface has interior rings, separate arrays are provided for their coordinates. All ring arrays are then combined into a single outer array.

Similar to material mapping, the JSON object lists the identifiers of the target surfaces that should receive texture coordinates and assigns them the corresponding outer array. The mappings are stored in the texture_mapping column.

The example below illustrates texture mapping for surface_B and surface_C of the linked geometry. surface_B has both an exterior and an interior ring, while surface_C has only an exterior ring.

  "surface_B": [
    [ [0.0, 0.5], [0.7, 0.3], , [0.0, 0.5] ], // exterior ring
    [ [0.1, 0.3], [0.6, 0.4], , [0.1, 0.3] ]  // interior ring
  "surface_C": [
    [ [0.3, 0.5], [0.1, 0.1], , [0.3, 0.5] ]  // exterior ring

Rules for texture coordinates

  • A texture coordinate must be provided for every coordinate in a surface's ring, including the last coordinate if it duplicates the first to close the ring.
  • Texture coordinates must be listed in the same order as the corresponding ring coordinates of the surface.
  • Every surface must have texture coordinates for its exterior ring. If the surface has interior rings, texture coordinates must also be provided for each interior ring, following the same order in which the rings appear in the surface.

Assigning textures through linear transformations

Alternatively, a ParameterizedTexture can be assigned using a 3x4 transformation matrix, which maps real-world space coordinates to texture coordinates. The matrix is represented as a JSON array in row-major order. Matrix-based texture mappings are stored in the world_to_texture_mapping column.

An example texture mapping using a 3x4 transformation matrix is illustrated below.

  "surface_E": [
    -0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 183550.0,
     0.0, 0.0, 0.3333, -37.3333,
     0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0

Assigning geo-referenced textures

Since the orientation and spatial reference of a GeoreferencedTexture are already stored in the SURFACE_DATA table, assigning it to target surfaces only requires listing the surface identifiers and assigning a value of true, just as with material mappings. Surfaces that should not receive the texture are either assigned false or omitted. Texture mappings for geo-referenced textures are stored in the georeferenced_texture_mapping column.

  "surface_F": true,
  "surface_G": true


  • If a mapping lists identifiers not found in the target geometry's JSON metadata, the mapping for those identifiers is invalid.
  • JSON Schema specifications for each mapping are included in the 3DCityDB software package, located in the json-schema folder. The schema files are named after the respective column names (e.g., texture-mapping.schema.json).


Texture images for both ParameterizedTexture and GeoreferencedTexture can be stored as binary blobs in the image_data column of the TEX_IMAGE table. In this case, the image_uri column can store the file name or original path of the texture image. If the image should not be stored directly in the database, the image_data column is set to NULL, and the image_uri should contain a URI pointing to the location of the texture image from which it can be retrieved (e.g., an external URL).

The mime_type column specifies the MIME type of the texture image, ensuring that the image can be processed correctly according to its format (e.g., image/png for a PNG image or image/jpeg for a JPEG image). Additionally, the mime_type_codespace column can store an optional code space for the MIME type, providing further context or classification.