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3D City Database

The 3D City Database v5 (3DCityDB) is a free 3D geo database to store, represent, and manage virtual 3D city models within a standard spatial relational database. The database model contains semantically rich, hierarchically structured, multi-scale urban objects, facilitating complex GIS modeling and analysis tasks, far beyond visualization.

The database schema of the 3DCityDB v5 results from a systematic mapping and complete implementation of the data model defined in the OGC CityGML 3.0 Conceptual Model, an international standard for representing and exchanging virtual 3D city models, issued by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).

The 3DCityDB is open source and hosted on GitHub. You can download the 3DCityDB v5 software packages by following the download instructions. We also offer Docker support, making it easy to get a 3DCityDB v5 instance up and running in just a few seconds.

Key features of 3DCityDB v5

  • Full support for CityGML versions 3.0, 2.0 and 1.0
  • Complex thematic modelling including support for Application Domain Extensions (ADE)
  • Four (CityGML 3.0) or five (CityGML 2.0 and 1.0) different Levels of Detail (LoDs)
  • Appearance information (textures and materials)
  • Digital terrain models (DTMs) represented as TINs
  • Representation of generic and prototypical 3D objects
  • Free, also recursive aggregation of geo objects
  • Flexible 3D geometries such as Solid, CompositeSolid, MultiSurface, CompositeSurface, Polygon, TINs, MultiCurve, CompositeCurve, LineString, Point, and MultiPoint
  • Database functions to delete complex objects including all their nested sub-objects and geometries. As an alternative, objects can only be marked as terminated, which leaves them in the database but sets their termination date timestamps accordingly. This realizes a simple but powerful historization / versioning mechanism.
  • citydb-tool for for importing and exporting CityGML datasets of any size, supporting both GML and CityJSON encodings. It works with CityGML versions 3.0, 2.0, and 1.0, as well as CityJSON versions 2.0, 1.1, and 1.0. Additionally, it enables seamless on-the-fly upgrading and downgrading between different versions.

Changes with respect to 3DCityDB v4

Streamlined and optimized schema: Compared to the earlier versions of the 3DCityDB v4, more generic rules have been applied in the mapping of the CityGML 3.0 data model onto the relational schema, resulting in a significant reduction of the number of database tables.

Efficient geometry management: Geometry objects are now directly mapped onto corresponding data types provided by PostGIS; i.e., Solids, MultiSurfaces, CompositeSurfaces, TINs, etc. are no longer split into their individual polygons and stored in separate rows as was done in 3DCityDB v4. This makes it much easier to express spatial queries in SQL, faster to evaluate such queries, and also to directly connect to the 3DCityDB from geoinformation systems like QGIS, FME, or ArcGIS and utilize the spatial objects.

New database client: citydb-tool is the new default command-line client for 3DCityDB v5, designed to import and export city model data as well as perform data and database operations. Its command-line interface enables easy automation, integration with other software, and efficient use in workflows and pipelines. Unlike the previous Importer/Exporter tool for 3DCityDB v4, it no longer provides a graphical user interface.

Work-in-progress visualization support: A tool for exporting 3DCityDB v5 content in visualization formats like KML, COLLADA, or glTF, as was possible with the Importer/Exporter, is not available yet. However, we are actively working on a solution to export data in the OGC 3D Tiles format. For this purpose, we are evaluating open-source tools such as pg2b3dm to work directly with the 3DCityDB v5. We also plan to publish the export tool as a customized Docker image. Stay tuned!

3DCityDB v4 and legacy tool support

The 3DCityDB v4 and its tools remain functioning and are still available. They will be maintained for an extended period to give users enough time to migrate to the new version. Please note that v4 tools are not compatible with 3DCityDB v5 (see our compatibility and data migration guide). If you are currently using or interested in using the previous version and its tools, please refer to the 3DCityDB v4 suite package. The documentation of the 3DCityDB v4 suite is still available here.

Who is using the 3DCityDB?

The 3D City Database v4 is in use in real life production systems in many places around the world such as Berlin, Potsdam, Hamburg, Munich, Frankfurt, Dresden, Rotterdam, Vienna, Helsinki, Singapore, Zurich, and is also being used in a number of research projects. With the release of 3DCityDB v5, we expect that most users of v4 will migrate to the new version in the future.

The companies Virtual City Systems and M.O.S.S., who are also partners in development, use the 3DCityDB at the core of their commercial products and services to create, maintain, visualize, transform, and export virtual 3D city models. Furthermore, the state mapping agencies of the federal states in Germany store and manage the nation-wide collected 3D city models, including approximately 56 million building models and bridges in CityGML LoD1 and LoD2, using the 3DCityDB.

Where to find CityGML data?

An excellent list of open data 3D city models, especially also represented using CityGML, can be found in the Awesome CityGML list. Currently, datasets from 21 countries and 65 regions/cities can be downloaded for free, with a total of >210 million semantic 3D building models. All the provided CityGML files can be loaded, analyzed, and managed using the 3DCityDB.